Confidence is very important part of being happy. To develop your confidence you should understand that there are 2 types of confidence. First, it is your inner or personal confidence. It is a belief that you are a worthy person. It is developed through our self esteem and self love. Second, is the outer confidence. It is the confidence you show in dealing with situations. To make it clear I will example myself. I had very high inner confidence, which means I believed that I can do anything as long as i tried hard enough. However, i had very low outer confidence. I was a very shy person, and I always had difficult time talking with others. These 2 confidence are related, and they affect each other. What happened to me was that I was starting to lose inner confidence because of the lack of my outer confidence. I started to think I am not good enough for not being able to talk to people and react correctly to situations. So you should have both high inner confidence and outer confidence.
Well confidence doesn't just happen. You have to act in order to get one. Next time you face the situation that you find uncomfortable, don't opt out but go for it. If you are afraid of meeting new people, try meeting new people. Best way to conquer fear is to face with it. Face it more often, and you are not afraid of it anymore.
Have the right attitude. Instead of saying I am not good enough to do it, ask yourself why am I not good enough? How do I know that. Assure yourself I can do it, and you will see. If you succeed it will increase your self esteem and confidence, but if you fail - feel good that you tried, you will succeed next time.
Exercise 1: Always tell yourself you can do it. Every time you think you are not good enough, ask yourself why do you think so. Mostly there are no solid reason, you just feel that way. Every time you think that, counter it with positive. Say why can't i do it, of course i can. Don't just say it, also feel it(working on your inner confidence).
Exercise 2: Choose one situation that you find uncomfortable. For example, it could be meeting new people, or asking someone a favor, or even offering one. Once you choose it, depending on how big it is, do it every 2-3 days or every week. If you don't are uncomfortable to stay with group of strangers and socialize, go to some club every week. Please, do it for the sake of yourself. You don't just learn to swim by looking at swimming people, you have got to get into the water and start practicing. Good luck.
It is very important part of being happy.