Jan 30, 2011

#1.2 Improve your self esteem!!! (self-love cont.)

Self esteem is basically what you think about yourself. Do you think you are a good person? Do you think you are a talented person? How you think about yourself has a big effect on how you act, and perform. Self esteem is certainly one of the most important factors for being happy

Once you start loving yourself and accepting yourself as you are you will have a better self-esteem. Be aware of your strengths and appreciate them, and don't compare yourself with others. They have their strengths and weaknesses and you have your own. What happens when we compare ourselves with others is that we will see their good points that we lack in, but we rarely look at the our good points that they lack. As many have said and said and said, every one is unique which is why you should not change.

It is very important to have self respect in order to have high self esteem. Respect your belief, respect your values, respect your personality and respect yourself. You should never do things that is against your belief and values. For example, if you think lying is a bad thing to do and your friend is asking you to lie for him. DON'T do it. Since you did what you think is not moral, it will damage your self respect ans self esteem without you knowing it. Thinking that it is a small thing, and doing it just once is ok - is a mistake. If you like to be free but your friend told you that you should plan your day. DON'T do it. You will most likely fail to follow the plan since it is not your personality. As it continues you will start feeling bad about yourself for not doing what is planned. I am not just bluffing about things i am not sure of. I have read about it so many times from so many books, and this things actually happened to me and I assure you these are the truth from my own experience. As a conclusion for our 2 article concerning Self love and Self esteem answer the following questions, you better not delay it. Do it now.

1. Do you love yourself? Not sure?
2. Do you accept yourself? Totally? Usually? Sometimes? or Not at all?
3. Do you build yourself up with your thoughts(ex. always think "I am a smart person I can do it)? or Put yourself down? (ex. I am such a stupid person, oh a person like me can't do something like this)
4. When you talk about yourself to others, what do you usually say?
5. What do you think other people read about how you feel about yourself?

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